Omkar Prasad Baidya
Omkar Prasad Baidya(born in 1984) is an Indian doctor, philosopher, author, and faculty for Physiology at ESIC-PGIMSR and ESI Medical College, Joka, Kolkata, India.[1][2] He has written and published various books on moral philosophy, world peace, universal ethics, and morality. Through his books, he has acquainted people with the importance of human virtues in shaping lives and solving all human
  • 4.2K
  • 01 Jun 2024
Topic Review
Oncofertility in Patients with Breast Cancer
Breast cancer is the most common malignancy occurring in young women.  Improving the prognosis of breast cancer patients is of utmost importance in terms of increasing survival rates. Modern medicine has therefore prioritized better quality of life for patients, even after the disease, through a better management of the potential long-term side effects induced by anticancer treatments. Fertility preservation and family planning are therefore crucial issues to be addressed in all cancer patients of reproductive age. Along those lines, a new branch of medicine with distinct multidisciplinary characteristics has developed over the years: oncofertility.
  • 739
  • 06 Apr 2022
Topic Review
Ethical Models Applicable to Cancer Care during Pregnancy
A holistic view should be taken towards patient’s treatment, care and counselling in order to provide patient-centric, ethically and legally informed care for pregnant cancer patients. It is essential to consider individual circumstances of each pregnant cancer patient where each patient is seen as a person embedded in the realities of their lives and the changes that a cancer diagnosis brings to themselves and their pregnancy care.
  • 591
  • 18 Feb 2024
Topic Review
Pharmacology of Cynomorium songaricum
Cynomorium songaricum Rupr. (CSR) belongs to the family Cynomoriaceae. It is a perennial succulent parasitic herb with a reddish-brown coloration, predominantly submerged in sand and lacking chlorophyll. 
  • 549
  • 06 Mar 2024
Topic Review
Advance Directives in Oncology and Haematology
Advance directives (ADs) allow everyone to give their preferences in advance regarding life sustaining treatments, continuation, and withdrawal or withholding of treatments in case one is not able to speak their mind anymore. While the absence of ADs is associated with a greater probability of receiving unwanted intensive care around the end of their life, their existence correlates with the respect of the patient’s desires and their greater satisfaction.
  • 482
  • 02 Mar 2022
Topic Review
Patient Information and Consent for Care in ICU
In the field of medicine, ethical reflection is based on the four universal principles of biomedical ethics described by Beauchamp and Childress, namely beneficence, non-maleficence, autonomy and justice. Acting in a manner that brings about a benefit, or at least does not result in harm, while respecting the autonomy of the patient, and providing equitable treatment for all, are the basic ethical prima facie obligations of any medical action. Treating a patient, and doing what is right for them, is the daily duty of the physician, and the reverse side of the coin implies that the physician also should not bring about harm, by inflicting unnecessary physical or mental suffering. Respect for the patient is fundamental, and informing a sick patient about their disease, their treatment options, and their likely prognosis is the behavioural translation of that respect.
  • 431
  • 20 Mar 2023
Topic Review
Biological Activity of Oncostatin M in Liver Cancer
Oncostatin M (OSM) is a 26 kDa molecular weight multifunctional cytokine belonging to the IL-6 (or gp130) cytokine family, which includes IL-6, leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF), IL-11, IL-27, IL-30, IL-31, ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF), neuropoietin-1 (NP-1), and cardiotrophin 1 (CT-1). OSM critically contributes to physiological and pathological processes, including extracellular matrix remodeling, hematopoiesis, differentiation, inflammatory response, proliferation, acquisition of cancer stem cell markers, drug resistance, and metastatic phenotype.
  • 422
  • 20 Sep 2022
Topic Review
Pain Management at the End of Life
Access to pain management is a fundamental human right for all people, including those who are at the end of life (EOL). In end-stage patients, severe and uncontrolled pain is a common cause of admission to the emergency department (ED), and its treatment is challenging due to its complex, often multifactorial genesis.
  • 397
  • 14 Jul 2023
Topic Review
Ethical Implications of Chatbot Utilization in Nephrology
In the realm of medicine, chatbots have risen as an instrumental tool, seamlessly enhancing patient interactions, streamlining administrative workflows, and elevating healthcare service quality. Their multifaceted applications span from enlightening patients, sending medication alerts, and assisting with preliminary diagnoses to operational responsibilities such as scheduling visits and gathering patient insights. Their ascendancy is attributed to a mix of elements, such as the widespread use of intelligent devices, amplified internet connectivity, and consistent advancements in AI technologies.
  • 262
  • 18 Oct 2023
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